Knight of the Month – February

Knight of the Month - February


Council: 2219 - WESTBROOK

Project Description:

Council 2219’s Knight of the Month has stepped forward this year to fill a major gap in our leadership. When our Financial Secretary decided that twelve years in that role was enough, we needed to find someone willing and capable of meeting the task. The obvious choice for me was to nominate then Treasurer Mark LeClair for that post. Just because I wanted him does not mean that he would accept. As a still employed individual, Mark had many other responsibilities, including those as father, husband, and homeowner. Once Mark considered his options and the needs of the council, Mark thankfully gave his approval to submit his name to Supreme for their consideration. His appointment came quickly thereafter.
As FS, Mark and Treasurer Dan DiGenova work closely to pay all obligations, keep books in order, and balance the accounts. One of Mark’s major tasks is to prepare membership billings and membership cards, as well as track those payments. Whenever membership information such as address or e-mail address changes, Mark is responsible for updating that data on the Supreme website.
We all thank Mark LeClair for accepting the office of Financial Secretary and his commitment to Council #2219’s future. For this dedicated service, he has been selected as our February Knight of the Month.

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