Knight of the Month for November 2021
Knight of the Month for November 2021
Council: 13861 - SANFORD
Project Description:
St. Thomas Council awards Knight of the Month for November 2021 to Ron Robichaud, who has been a knight in the St. Thomas Council for the past ten years.
Ron is active in many parish activities. Ron sings in the choir at the Sunday 9:00 masses at Holy Family Church. Ron is also active in the Saturday morning This Man is You sessions. Ron also served on the ACTS team for several years; and served on the York County Jail Ministry before the pandemic struck. Ron assists at the parish Food Closet and helps maintain the grounds at Holy Family and Notre Dame churches. Outside the parish, Ron volunteers at the York County Shelter Food Pantry a few days a week.
Whenever someone needs a hand, Ron is there. Ron rakes pine needles on a weekly basis at the home of a fellow knight who is stricken with Parkinson’s. This past Summer, Ron assisted in yard cleaning, painting and repairs to the home of another parishioner who is on disability and was unable the perform the work himself.
Congratulations to our November Knight of the Month, Ron Robichaud, for his hard work and dedication to the St. Thomas Council and to St. Therese of Lisieux Parish!
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