Knight of the Month for October 2021

Knight of the Month for October 2021


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

St. Thomas Council awards the Knight of the Month for October 2021 to Dennis Guay, who has been a knight in the St. Thomas Council for the past sixteen years.

Dennis has served the Knights of Columbus in many capacities. Dennis Guay served three terms as St. Thomas Council Grand Knight, two terms as W. Robert Bachelder 4th Degree Assembly Faithful Navigator, and three terms as District Deputy.

Dennis Guay is still active in the St. Thomas Council, even though he relocated to Gorham, Maine. Dennis organized and coordinated St. Thomas Council involvement at the Acton Fair this past August and working the concession at Sanford Mainers home games in June and July. This resulted in a substantial fundraiser for the council. Dennis also organized and coordinated the Tootsie Roll drive to raise funds for Camp Waban.

We tip our hats to Dennis Guay for his hard work and dedication to the Knights of Columbus!

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