Knight of the Month to our Retiring Grand Knight. 15791

Knight of the Month to our Retiring Grand Knight. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Twenty Three council brothers, participated in the June Business Meeting via a Telephone Meeting from our homes on Tuesday June 2, 2020. This month there were a number of items of Business to conduct. The final reading and election of the NEW 2020-2021 Officers were held with out Pastor Fr. Phil, and Deacon Dennis present for this months meeting. Also on the slate was the presentation of Knight of the month for June. This months Knight was Out Going Grand Knight Mike Crowley. Grand Knight Mike has been a member of Council 15791 since 2015. Brother Mike has been involved in many programs in our council, along with his Wife Clare. He is also a member of the Baptismal Rose and Rosary Team, the Council Degree Team, and supports many Church programs at Saint Jude’s Church with many of their projects and programs. We will miss Grand Knight Mike’s leadership, and appreciate all that he has done for his Council, Church, Community and Life Programs.

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