KofC Council 320 Rev Maurice Plourde Scholarship

KofC Council 320 Rev Maurice Plourde Scholarship


Council: 320 - JAY

Project Description:

Every year Council 320 has been awarding 2 scholarships to graduating students who are sons or daughters of members of the council. These had traditionally been $250 scholarships. Since the membership in the council is getting older and we have fewer members with graduating students the council last year voted to expand eligibility to any student who is a member of St. Rose of Lima parish. Since the principle in the scholarship fund has grown and a portion of the fund is perpetual the scholarships have been increased to $1,000 each. This is the first year that the two scholarships were awarded to students who are members of the parish and not a son or daughter of a council member. The scholarships were awarded after completion of the students first semester in college and being matriculated into the second semester. Both students were invited to our January council meeting. Only one was able to attend due to scheduling conflicts. Both students were grateful for the aide to their education and followed up with a thank you letter to the council. The scholarships will continue to be awarded annually and they are perpetual. The council meets every February to review the account and set the award amount for the coming graduation in May/June.

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