Leave No Neighbor Behind/Meat raffle

Leave No Neighbor Behind/Meat raffle


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

On 10/17/2020 at a TMIY meeting the idea of a raffle to raise funds for our council was discussed. Our Grand Knight also met with Fr. Bill Labbe to discuss the Parish needs. Fr. Bill suggested St. Thomas School needed assistance far more than the parish. At the next meeting it was decided that we would dedicate the proceeds to both St. Thomas School and St. Therese of Lisieux Parish. There was a voice of concern regarding volunteers needed to make this event successful. Immediately five Brother Knights donated towards the expense of printing the tickets and cost of the meat. At this point we realized the raffle would be pure profit. We printed 2500 tickets but quickly realized that we needed more. We ended up selling over 6000 tickets. The efforts by our Brother Knights was fantastic with two Brother Knights competing for honors as top seller. We printed on plain paper which required cutting (by the printer) and then sorting into numerical sequence and stapling into books of six.
Our drawing was held Christmas morning before the Christmas mass. Fr. Alex set us up on the parish face book page so the drawing was transmitted live. The drawing was attended by Fr. Alex who opened with a prayer, Terry Sylvanus our Grand Knight, and Ray Sargent our District Warden and PSD.
Three winning tickets were picked. The first and third place winners donated their winnings to the St. Therese Food Closet. The Food Closet won the second place winnings. The result was $475 of food from Jerry’s Market to the Food Closet.
The proceeds, $6500.81, were to be distributed to both the school and parish. After discussion with Fr. Bill The St. Thomas Council presented the parish with $500. Our Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight then presented Mrs. Jessica Rice, Principal of St. Thomas School, with a check for $6000.81

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