Lent Faith Sharing Group – Parousia: The Bible and the Mass 15791

Lent Faith Sharing Group – Parousia: The Bible and the Mass 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Nine Parishioners and one Brother Knight meet together ever Wednesday for 7 weeksto participate in the Study Program “Parousia: The Bible and the Mass”

Journey Through Scripture is the St. Paul Center’s dynamic Bible study program designed to help ordinary Catholics grow in their knowledge of Scripture while deepening their understanding of the riches of our faith. Distinctively Catholic, Journey Through Scripture reads the Bible from the heart of the Church, considering both the Old and New Testaments and how they work together. It’s grounded in history, yet it actively engages topics faced by today’s Catholics. More than just an ordinary Bible
study, it’s biblical catechesis.

In ten lessons, we learn that liturgy is not a matter of a few select verses taken in
isolation. It’s a major theme that runs through the entire Bible, from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. During this study, we made stops along the way—in the Law, the Prophets, the Histories, and the Writings. We saw how the New Testament is concealed in the Old—and how the Old is revealed in the New.

We discovered that all of God’s action, in creation and redemption, is ordered to communion with us in the Eucharist. The Mass is the explicit sign of his New Covenant with humankind.

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