Lenten Dinner 4/08/22
Lenten Dinner 4/08/22
Council: 8144 - SCARBOROROUGH
Project Description:
Council 8144 put on sixth and final Lenten Dinner for 2022 and it was a resounding success. We served our menu of baked haddock, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, mixed vegetables, coleslaw, rolls and desserts. We would like to recognize Glenna Goulet who cooked the desserts for the 6 dinners in the series. Do to the fact that Jim Welch arranges for a bus from Portland Recreation, we sold 165 tickets which was outstanding and raised $820 for the Council 8144 charities. We were stretched for manpower and food and came very close to running out a couple of items. We had three volunteers helping out. This was a fine finish to the Lenten Season and showed that the Pandemic was behind us. Our big issues to resolve for the 2023 Lenten season are manpower and the cooking of our potatoes.
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