Light Up For Christ

Light Up For Christ


Council: 13181 - SABATTUS

Project Description:

After last year’s efforts to host the Light Up For Christ ceremony and nativity at Our Lady of the Rosary fell short due to a lack of available power, we set out to correct the issues and host it this year. To do so, Brother Knight and master electrician Don Champagne added an electrical outlet outside by the existing flagpole light. This would allow us to illuminate the nativity.

At the end of November, Brother Knights from the Councils at Our Lady of the Rosary, Holy Cross and Holy Family got together to transport the nativity from its storage location at Holy Cross to Our Lady of the Rosary. Then on Wednesday, December 4th, we hosted the Light Up For Christ ceremony at Our Lady. We started with praying the rosary together in the church led by Brother Knight Ivan Boudreau from Council 106. Grand Knights from the other Knights of Columbus Councils in our Parish each led decades of the rosary. At the conclusion, we sang Christmas carols as we processed outside to the nativity. Once there, Father John said a prayer and the nativity scene was illuminated. More carols were sung and we retired into the church basement where refreshments were enjoyed and GK Bob Michaud read Christmas stories to the children in attendance.

This was a beautiful and prayerful way to begin the Advent season together, keeping Christ at the forefront.

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