March Knight of the Month

March Knight of the Month


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

Knight of the Month
Our Knight of the Month has been with the Knights of Columbus for three years.
In the short time he has been with our council he has made significant contributions including his work with the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative, breaking down call list and ensuring all Brother Knights are called at least once a year. He also took the initiative to send all Brothers Christmas cards this past year. As our Deputy Grand Knight, he has always supported our Grand Knight in many ways.
He has volunteered in the kitchen for our Haddock Dinners and this year he has stepped up, taking over the responsibilities for the planning, organizing, and directing our dinners. The success of our most recent dinner is a testament to Ricks’ leadership skills as we adjusted to a “carry out” dinner. He spent numerous hours researching pricing and sources to ensure a profitable event. The result was a profit of $715.16 which far exceeded our expectations.
Please join me in congratulating Rick Southwick, a Knight of Action.

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