Mass “Captains” and Sanitizers
Mass "Captains" and Sanitizers
Council: 13486 - WATERVILLE
Project Description:
When the pandemic affected the scheduling of weekly Mass, our parish instituted a system of designated parishioners to serve as Mass captains and sanitizers. Mass captains would control entry into the church and exiting from the church, using only one set of doors for all attending the Mass. Two of our council members, along with our wives, were asked to serve as captains at the 4 pm and 6 pm Saturday masses. Another council member was asked to help sanitize the pews following the 4 pm Mass. Our tasks as captains include maintaining a list of pre-scheduled attendees for each Mass, which includes their phone number, and applying hand sanitizer to each person entering the church. We have to allow only those who have pre-registered into church, along with any walk-ins, up to the current limit. Seating is also controlled to allow for proper spacing in the pews. After all have exited at the end of the Mass, then the captains and the extra sanitizer have to clean all pews in preparation for the following Mass. This system also applies to daily Mass, with one council member serving as captain for the Tues. and Thurs. noontime mass, along with another parishioner. We will be continuing these efforts until Covid restrictions are lifted.
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