Mass of Candidacy for the Permanent Diaconate

Mass of Candidacy for the Permanent Diaconate


Council: 1423 - No. WHITEFIELD

Project Description:

The Clerical vestments worn by a Deacon consist of a dalmatic (a tunic with sleeves), and a stole worn from the left shoulder, to the right hip. This leaves the right arm free to “render service to his fellow man.” A Deacon serves from the Altar, and is allowed to administer specific Sacraments. At this Mass, Bishop Deeley accepted the petitions of eleven men into their candidacy for further education, training, and discernment to become Permanent Deacons in the Church. Following their acceptance, and the remainder of the Mass, the congregation proceeded to the Church Hall for a Buffet and Reception.

Of note: Seven of the Candidates are already members of the Knights of Columbus. Since the functions of a Deacon are to serve, this is a parallel path to the Principles of the Order. One of the Brother Knights who was accepted as a Candidate, accepted the opportunity to encourage the four non-Knights to strongly consider enrolling, since this would provide a larger group of like-minded brothers to further their mission.

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