Mass then the Installation of Council Officers for 2020-2021. 15791
Mass then the Installation of Council Officers for 2020-2021. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Fifteen council members, their wives, our District Deputy, District Warden, and our Pastor participated in the 2020-2021 Installation of Council Officers. The location was Holy Martyr’s Church on Monday June 8, 2020. This year our council brothers and their wives participated in the 5:30 PM Mass prior to the Installation. In order to keep the council moving forward in a positive direction, Installations, Audit’s, Business Meetings, and Recruiting, are just a few of the many programs which these new, as well as returning officers face come July 1, 2020. A heart felt thanks to our Pastor, Fr. Phil Tracy and the District Officers for taking time to do this event. The wives were very much appreciate as they always are, in being able to participate in this Installation this year.
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