May Knight of the Month

May Knight of the Month


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

The May Knight of the Month joined The Knights of Columbus in 2018. I remember him saying he is a very busy man with little time, but he would do what he could.
What a misstatement! Rick has been a faithful regular in the kitchen at all our Fish dinners providing initiative, leadership, and team effort in all he does. Rick fabricated a steel stand with wheels for the Pizza oven for the kitchen donating his time and materials.
Rick has continually stepped up, volunteering to coordinate our Leave No Neighbor Behind/call all Brother Knights. He continues to coordinate our Retention Committee and is active on the Church Sanitization Program.
When Rick was asked to take on the Deputy Grand Knight position the first thing he asked me was what can I do to help you?, and he has been very involved ever since, making my job easier.
Please join me in congratulating Rick Southwick, Our May Knight of the Month.

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