Monthly Business Meeting.
Monthly Business Meeting.
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Brothers of council 15791 and Seminarian guest gathered to participate in the Council September 9, 2024 Business Meeting. This evening was a special evening, not only was it the first business meeting for our new Deputy Grand Knight, but we had as our meeting guests the two Seminarians who we will be supporting for 2024/2025. The team leader for the Council Seminarian Program asked the Seminarians to introduce themselves and tell the group a little about themselves and their studies. Seminarian Joseph Beale, and Deacon Erin Donlon were also informed that this year Council 15791 will be sending each of them a check for $500.00 to help with their studies. It was very nice to meet the Seminarians via Zoom, with hopes that the Good Lord will allow them both to make it through their studies and become Priest at some point. It was a very Blessed evening for all present. Thanks Be To GOD.
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