Monthly Widows Pot Luck, Game Night
Monthly Widows Pot Luck, Game Night
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
Pine Cone Council, 114, organized by Brother Ed Beaulieu, contacts each widowed spouse to participate in our monthly Pot Luck and Game Night.
Each 3rd Tuesday starts with Grace at 6 P.M. before the Meal. Afterward some announcements and then, the Pot Luck food line that attendees bring starts, and all set down for dinner together. Nice round tables of eight persons, great opportunity to share on what’s going on in each person’s life and family. The usual pot luck meal includes Lasagna, Jambalaya, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Tossed Salad, Macaroni Salad, Jell-O-Salads and for dessert cookies, brownies and ice cream. A big piece of the meal is the socializing/fellowship. The wives of the deceased Knights are always invited: approximately five attend each time, but sometimes they bring friends or family members, which really adds to the fellowship and game piece.
At 7 PM we gather to play a variety of games: Cribbage, Golf, 7 of Diamonds, until 8 PM or so. We all have a great time
The widows enjoy themselves, they really like participating with the Knights again.
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