Mother Seton House Baby Bottle Drive
Mother Seton House Baby Bottle Drive
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
A brother Knights and his wife orgnized the effort to conduct the annual Baby Bottle Drive that benefits the Mother Seton House in Fryeburg. Mother Seton House’s Mission is Cherishing Life by Supporting Pregnant Women, new mothers and infants in need. The program provides resources to Women in need or in unsafe situations for themselves and their babies. The entire program was held at a parish for 8 weeks.
Activites included
* Organzing the effort with the Mother Seton house to securie supplies.
* Preparing announcnements for bulletin and parish website.
* Preparing tracking materials, providing signage and displays.
* Executing by distributing the bottles and collecting them for three masses per weekend for 8 weeks from
August 1st to October 30th..
* Providing financial controls and accounting of funds, including deposits.
* Making the donation to Mother Seton House in the amount of $5,750.00 .
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