Non-Knight Family of The Month Presentation. 15791
Non-Knight Family of The Month Presentation. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Three council brothers, and the Non-Knight Family of The Month participated in a short ceremony at Sacred Heart Church as part of the Sunday Mass on March 24, 2019. It was brought up at February’s Business meeting that it might be nice for our council to start reaching out to the Non Knight Families and recognize a family on a quarterly basis. These families would need to fulfill certain requirements just like a Knight Family of the Month. The plan right now is to present a Non Knight Family a certificate each quarter. We will recognize a family from each church within our Parish as part of a weekend Mass. If the list gets long enough we are in hopes of making a presentation each month just like we do with a Knights Family. Speaking with the Priest’s in our Parish they feel this is a great idea, and also may help in some way in us with our recruitment efforts. Along with their certificate the family is handed a recruitment folder with information for them to read, and a Form 100, with an explaination of what is in the packet.
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