Novena For Life

Novena For Life


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

The first Friday of each month members of this Council and our Parish begin at 3PM with an exposition and quiet reflection of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist through Adoration and conclude starting at 7PM with a recitation or the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary dedicated to the protection of Life in all it stages from the moment of conceptions to the moment of natural death.

Since May 2007 the Council has published a reminder in the weekly bulletin for members of the Parish to join with the Knights for this period of prayer for the protection of life. The intersession of our Lord and His Blessed Mother is sought to change hearts and save lives. Some nights there are four people, some nights there are 20 people – however never is a Friday missed. The services are held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Windham.

The Council sponsors this time of prayer and reflection to allow people of faith to join together and show their support against the sins that abolish life at a whim without regard of the impact on the person, family or society and promulgated sadly by those in power in our political system.

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