Open Arms Pregnancy Center Fund-Raising banquet
Open Arms Pregnancy Center Fund-Raising banquet
Council: 334 - AUGUSTA
Project Description:
When a woman becomes pregnant, she faces two choices: keep the baby, or, consider an abortion.The first group has already made their decision and choice. The second group, however, still have to make choices: have the abortion; keep the baby, and offer it for adoption; or, keep the baby to term, and raise her child. It is the second group, the “undecided, or considering” who are the focus of pregnancy centers. They offer counseling, medical support, and testing. One of the most effective tools to support the woman’s decision to keep the baby is an ultrasound machine. Depending on the sources cited, a woman who is “undecided” will choose, between 78-90, to keep the baby AFTER seeing their CHILD on a sonogram.
The Open Arms Pregnancy Center, located on Bangor Street, Augusta, offers a pregnant woman all of the above support, except the ultrasound. On April 19th, they held their third annual fund-raising banquet. The specific purpose of this year’s effort was to raise funds to acquire an ultrasound machine. They have been in the process of obtaining the required personnel, space, and backing. They approached the Knights for assistance in obtaining funds to purchase the machine. The Master-of-Ceremonies specifically mentioned to the audience that the K of C is the ONLY private organization which supports the purchases of ultrasounds for pregnancy centers.
A part of the banquet focused on the actual method of raising the needed monies. Pledge cards were completed by the attendees, both for one-time, and recurring donations. These cards will be distributed to all Councils and Assemblies at a later date. The actual mechanics and processes are being coordinated with and through the Maine State Council Pro-LifeDirector.
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