Pandemic Drive Through – Easter Holy Water

Pandemic Drive Through - Easter Holy Water


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

The Parish Faith Committee brainstormed the idea of having an Easter Holy Water Blessing at three of the six churches within the Parish. The committee felt that traffic control was a thing that needed attention and some controls, that is when the Knights of Columbus were asked to help out, and help we did. four brother Knights at the three churches, St. Matthew’s, st.Joseph’s and st. Mary’s, the Knights put together a flow plan and then helped maintain the traffic flow. St. Mary’s had a bout 115 automobiles pass through, and the other two churches had a great participation as well. The Priest, Deacon’s and the Knights enjoyed helping with the Holy Water, and the parishioners sure enjoyed having this provided. Some of the Facebook pictures, and comments were great testimony of God’s Love and of the parishioners love for the Parish Family and Church.

This was a great idea to get people out of their homes and doing something religious, to help comm their souls.

This was a great project for the Parish Community!

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