Parish Christmas Fiar

Parish Christmas Fiar


Council: 10221 - GORHAM

Project Description:

Our council handles the kitchen duties for the St. Anne’s Parish Christmas Fair. For the breakfast and luncheon Brother Knights prepared delicious items from the fair’s cookbook – Fish Chowder and Chili which is served alongside egg sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches. This year the kitchen prepared complimentary egg sandwiches for the workers. Brothers help in preparing chowder and chili, cooking, serving and cleaning up.

Our Pulled Pork Dinner is a hit – homemade pulled pork (roasting all day in our ovens) coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans, rolls. The meal was well-received. The council contributed the cost of the Pork helping to increase the profit to the church. Two of our Past Grand Knights organize and work this event every year.

Brothers also help with selling items in the hall and outside, setting up the fair, delivering items. It’s a parish-wide event enjoyed by many.

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