Parish Spring Blood Drive. 2018 15791

Parish Spring Blood Drive. 2018 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Eight Brothers and one wife participated in the Spring Red Cross Blood Drive at Holy Martyr’s Church Hall on Wednesday April 19, 2018. Today the drive yielded 25 pints of usable blood for the Red Cross Team. As part of this 25 pints was two donors who were Power Red Donors. With the continued low level of Blood on hand, our council membership decided to hold this Spring drive for the Red Cross. Today the Lord was with us and our donors, and we thank him daily for our many gifts and LIFE. We also thanked our donors for taking time from their busy schedule’s to donate, and to also help with the drive. Six of our council brothers also helped the Red Cross by donating a pint of blood each for their cause. BLOOD is LIFE for all of us.

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