Participate In The “Into The Breach Series”. 15791
Participate In The "Into The Breach Series". 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Myself and my wife participated in the “Into The Breach Series”, within our home between 11 August through 16 August. Because we were unable to attend the July Council Social Meeting on the computer, we decided to participate in this video series from start to finish, which was produced by the Supreme Council. This was a series of 12 videos built around a number of themes applicable to Knights and their Family members, with each video running roughly 10-12 minutes. Following each video my wife and I had discussion time on each video. One important thing we both agreed on is this, we wished that this type of series was available for us to share with our children when they were growing up. As a twenty one year member of the Knights of Columbus, serving in many seats within two councils, and as District Deputy, I hope that each council member will take the time and participate in the “Into The Breach Series”. I thank Supreme for their efforts in putting together this very rewarding series. Fr. Michael J. McGivney would be very proud of what has been done here. Blessings to ALL.
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