Patient Lift for Maine Veterans Home, Scarborough, ME

Patient Lift for Maine Veterans Home, Scarborough, ME


Council: 2219 - WESTBROOK

Project Description:

On December 17, 2017, after the members of Council 2219 presented the Maine Veterans Home, Scarborough. ME with a large donation of medical equipment and supplies, the Grand Knight along with members of the Council’s Veterans Support Committee met with the Homes Representatives to discuss further support from the Council. During this meeting it was revealed that they were in dire need of a Patient Lift that could lift a patient up and transport the patient outside and place the patient inside a vehicle. Without such a piece of equipment 3 or 4 of the staff would have to physically lift the person and transport same outside and place the individual into a vehicle which was a task of its own. On January 8, 2018 the Veterans Support Committee Director advised Council 2219 members of the need for a special Patient Lift for the home. After little discussion members approved to pursue this request and discuss ways to raise $4000.00 to purchase the lift. After several months and numerous fundraising events ie, brunches, raffles, etc., funds were raised and several members from the Veterans Support committee did a lot of research and inquires to locate a lift and at a reasonable price. With much discussion with representatives from Ergonomic Safety Solution, Inc., they agreed to sell the Patient Lift to us for $3248.83 along with free shipping directly to the Maine Veterans Home, and with this help from the Representative from the Home the purchase was tax exempt. The lift was delivered to the Home in February 2018 and after staff members were trained on its use a formal presentation was conducted on March 23, 2018, at which time a demonstration on the use of the lift conducted. It should be noted that the patient involved in its demonstration was a Brother Knight who has recently moved into the home. See attached photos.

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