Patten Pioneer Days Parade Float
Patten Pioneer Days Parade Float
Council: 1873 - HOULTON
Project Description:
On Saturday, 10 August 2024, KoC Council 1873 participated in the Patten, Maine Pioneer Days annual parade, marching the more than 1.5 mile parade route through central Patten from Station Street, along State Route 159, to Carver Street. Council 1873 is headquartered in St. Mary’s of the Visitation Catholic Church in Houlton, which is the seat of the St. Mary’s, St. Paul’s and St. Agnes cluster shepherded by Father Kevin Martin. The Knights led the Saint Paul Catholic Church’s very colorful, and generally well received, float as flag bearers. Dave Mueller, K of C Council 1873 Grand Knight, bore the Vatican flag while Knight Dan Kinney carried the K of C flag. Former Grand Knight, and current District Deputy, Mike Dobbs commanded the small entourage. The St.Paul parishioners led by Linda and Neil Harrington created the float for St Paul’s Mission Church. The Knights of Columbus were asked to lead the float in the parade as flag bearers. The float itself focused on Christ’s Apostles with a small statue of St, Paul of Tarsus prominently placed center front of the float. Icons of each of the remaining Apostles were well placed around the side and rear of the float.
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