Pray the Rosary for the un-born during the Covid-19 Virus. 15791
Pray the Rosary for the un-born during the Covid-19 Virus. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
As a family of this council we continue to Pray the Rosary of Mary for the Unborn Child. With the Covid-19 Virus still with us, we turn to praying the Rosary of Mary once a week from home. We started doing this once Saint Gregory’s closed down due to this virus. We look forward when the day comes again when we can meet prior to the Saturday Mass at Saint Gregory’s as a Team. Each week before the 4 PM Mass we would gather and Pray for the safety and well being of the unborn child and our Blessed Mother Mary. Each day in our lives miracles happen. We are in hopes that our prayers will make one of these miracles happen for the unborn child and its’ Mother. We Pray to end Abortion, as a Catholic Family and a Knights of Columbus Family. Thanks Be To GOD.
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