Prayers Needed. 15791

Prayers Needed. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Our Council Spiritual Advisor asked for volunteer’s to hand out Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer Cards following the weekend masses at Saint Gregory’s Church on September 1 and 2, 2018. Now more than ever we as Knights of Columbus, priests, chaplains, and all Catholic’s must together focus our prayer time to the rebuilding of the Church. We must commit ourselves as Knights of Columbus to work for repentance, reform, and rebuilding of our Church, while supporting our Priests, our Bishops and one another in this time of need. As always, the diocese wants to do what it can to assist, if at all possible, in a process which leads to healing. Our prayers and sorrow extend to all victims/survivors and their families. May our Loving Father continue to send his Spirit over us to guide our vigilance in providing for the care and safety of all in our Church.

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