Pre-Cana Classes

Pre-Cana Classes


Council: 101 - PORTLAND

Project Description:

A member of our council, Jim Willey, and his wife, Barbara, hosted Pre-Cana classes for 2 engaged couples at their home. This marriage mentoring ministry for our parish consisted of four sessions of one and a half hours each. Light snacks and beverages were provided. With the help of a very informative and insightful workbook given to each of the participants the couple, both individually and as a couple, would reflect on their expectations concerning marriage. Discussions included the role each individuals upbringings will likely play in their marriage and childrearing. Workbook and discussion topics included the following: building your marriage on a solid foundation (God is with you!), the two will become one, establishing emotional and sexual intimacy, a new family circle, dealing with conflict, facing change and keeping your foundation intact, and financial literacy and togetherness.

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