Pregnancy Center Support for the Mother Seton House In Fryeburg. 15791

Pregnancy Center Support for the Mother Seton House In Fryeburg. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Twelve council brothers, a parishioner, and a worker from Mother Seton House worked together as a Team at private homes and community businesses between July 14 to July 18, 2018. On July 14, 2018 a donor approached me and asked if we as Knights could help her out. She stated she would like to donate $100.00 toward the purchase of infant items for the babies at Mother Seton House. She also stated that she would like us to take the money and purchase the items with the one request that her name stay anonymous. I told her that I would see that her request was granted. At our meeting this month I brought this generous gift offer up, and also made a motion that the council match this $100.00, so we could go out and purchase $200.00 worth of infant clothing and supplies, which would make a more meaningful gift. The vote was taken and the motion was seconded and passed. Along with the clothing there were two $20.00 gift cards donated for Hannafords. On Wednesday July 18, 2018 our Deputy Grand Knight and one of our Council Trustee’s traveled to Fryeburg to present the items to one of the staff members. The items we were able to purchase were 340 diapers, 5 Packages of Wipes, 3 Baby Bottles, 8 bottles of Baby Wash for bathing, 2 Bottles of Baby Oil, 3 Bottles of Baby Shampoo and 2 Bottles of Baby Lotion. The two $20.00 gift cards will be used for cleaning supplies for the infants room. What a Blessed project this was in part due to the generous donation from a Parishioner from our Parish. This has been a very blessed “Life” Project.

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