Presentation to Retired Principal

Presentation to Retired Principal


Council: 2755 - SPRINGVALE

Project Description:

Donna Jacques was the principal of St. Thomas School for many years. Due to illness, she retired from the position. As the Covid Pandemic progressed, there was really no celebration for her done. Financial Secretary Pete Auger was approached by a member of the St. Thomas Alumni Association to participate in supporting an event for Mrs. Jacques. Knowing that she did not want a lot of attention, a small brunch was arranged and through social media a campaign to develop a scrapbook of memories was presented to her on 11/11/2021. Financial Secretary Pete Auger presented Mrs. Jacques with a letter that announced a donation in her honor to the scholarship fund for St. Thomas School in the amount of $1000. The Council also helped pay for an angel statue in her honor to be presented in the memory garden at St. Thomas School. picture included

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