Pro-Life Maine State Petition Drive – Veto

Pro-Life Maine State Petition Drive - Veto


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

At the request of Bishop Deeley in July, 2019, the State Council of the K of C was asked to assist in a petition drive to overturn recently passed state legislation that legalized taxpayer funded abortion and physician assisted suicide.

Pine Cone Council #114 assisted in this effort by gathering signatures for each of the two issues at all the Masses at the six churches in our parish on two separate weekends in August/September 2019.

Over 30 Knights assisted in gathering the signatures.

According to project leader Brett Baber, Esq. we gathered over 1,000 signatures for each issue.

On January 11th, 2020 Suzanne LaFrenier, a spokesperson for our Diocese who spoke on end of life issues at our Council’s January supper informed me (Gerald Thibodeau), that our Council had been a leader in gathering petition signatures. However, she stated that because some other areas of the state were not very successful, not enough signatures were gathered state-wide to bring the issues to a vote by the citizens of our state.

Gerald Thibodeau

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