Protecting Houses of Worship Training Forum

Protecting Houses of Worship Training Forum


Council: 1423 - No. WHITEFIELD

Project Description:

Since the relaxation of the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic of the last two years, many churches and parishes are returning to a semblance of “normalcy”. One such sign is the reactivation of the Parish Safety Committees at the Parish level. I am a member of the committee at St. Michael Parish, serving the Kennebec/Lincoln Counties, and our six worship sites. This forum was conducted under the auspices of the USDOJ, FEMA, DHS, and MEMA. Among the multitude of topics discussed were: On-Site Evaluation, Safety Concerns and Identification, Need for development of Safety Plans for EACH worship site in the Parish, Need for CPR/AED training and certification for all committee members, coordination and communition with local law enforcement and fire/EMS agencies. and details on submitting grant proposals to cover expenses for training, modifications, and equipment. Numerous handouts, pamphlets, and resources were given to be taken back to the Parish.

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