Reaching Out To The Community For Thanksgiving.

Reaching Out To The Community For Thanksgiving.


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

A Council Brother and his Franciscan Fraternity met via Zoom for their monthly Business Meeting on 8 October. Just recently one of our Council members decided it would be nice to make a Fraternal donation in support of the 2021 Thanksgiving Food Basket Program at Saint Gregory’s Church in Gray. So, at their October Business Meeting he presented his idea to the Brothers and Sisters present. His idea was to donate $100.00 to the 2021 Thanksgiving Food Basket Program which will be running during November at Saint Gregory’s Church in Gray. After some discussion it was voted on over willingly, to support the 2021 Thanksgiving Food Basket Program in Gray. As a Franciscan and Knight of Columbus member, I was very pleased at the outcome. The Team working the Food Baskets will use our donation for food as well as other needed items. It is very Christian to have had the Knights and Franciscans work hand in hand to help the Needy in the Gray Community.

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