Reception of Body, and Visitation, for Rev. John Skehan
Reception of Body, and Visitation, for Rev. John Skehan
Council: 1423 - No. WHITEFIELD
Project Description:
When a member of the Clergy is untimely taken from our midst, the Church has established protocols to ensure that the parishioners, friends, and family are afforded to opportunity to share their thoughts, prayers, and grief, on behalf of the departed. This was the case, when, unexpectedly, Reverend John R. Shehan, Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Parish, was taken from this world on August 31, 2022. The first of these protocols is the Reception of the Body, followed by the recitation of the Litany of the Hours, followed by Visitation of the Body.
Upon arrival at the Church, the body af Fr. Skehan was escorted to the foot of the sanctuary by a K of C Honor Guard, where Fr. Louis Philips conducted the reception of the Body, then the Litany of the Hours. At the conclusion of these rites, the Honor Guard rotated through postings of Sentinels at the casket, for the duration of the Visitation. At the conclusion of the Visitation, the Honor Guard escorted the casket into the care and custody of the funeral home.
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