Request from Supreme for the Ukraine People. 15791

Request from Supreme for the Ukraine People. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Council members stepped up to support a request from Supreme in our meeting room, Private Homes, and Community, from 1 March thru 5 April 2022. With the many requests we as a council support, the request from Supreme for support for the Ukraine people was especially important to our membership as a hold. The council Grand Knight mentioned the request at our March Business meeting, and it was voted on unanimously to support and help Ukraine people in their time of need. By our April Business meeting the Membership of the Council had donated $1,500.00 of their treasurers, and it was voted on to donate $500.00 from the council checking in support of this incredibly special cause. Not only do we pray for an end to this war, but we hope as a council that our donation will be used by those who Need it the Most. We also ask God to watch over all Ukraine people during their time of need.

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