Roses for Life
Roses for Life
Council: 13181 - SABATTUS
Project Description:
Each year on Mother’s Day, Council #13181 works to help the church increase awareness and stress the importance of our mission to support all life from conception to natural death. We do this by participating in the the annual Roses for Life program.
Brother Knight Daniel Bouffard organized the Rose for Life program by getting Knight and Knight family member volunteers to hand out embroidered rose stickers at the beginning and end of mass on Mother’s day. These were handed to all mothers as a symbol of our commitment to the Right to Life. Brother Knight Daniel Bouffard, Robert Michaud and son Nicolas, Robert Desbiens, and James Ingalls greeted mothers and the various church entrances on March 13 from 8 AM to 10 AM. We also helped sell flowers for pro-life after mass.
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