Council: 680 - MILLINOCKET
Project Description:
At our September meeting, the Council decided to continue to participate in sponsoring a seminarian to assist him financially and
emotionally in his studies. As the strong right arm of the church, the Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to future priests and religious at all stages of their formation. Council 680 chose to support a 2nd year pre-theology student from the state of Maine. In September, our Council Chancellor contacted our chosen student to inform him of our desire to support him in his studies. The Council
presented him with a Council check in the amount of 500 dollars with his Christmas card. Members were also asked to sent him emails, cards
of support, and financial assistance. Several members sent him a personal Christmas card along with words of encouragement and monetary help. The Council Chancellor frequently communicates with him by email and reports back to the Council on his correspondence.
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