RSVP State Seminarian Support for 2018/2019. 15791

RSVP State Seminarian Support for 2018/2019. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Our council Seminarian Director brought to the table last evening a request from the council to support a new Seminarian for 2018/2019. Our Business Meeting was held at Holy Martyr’s Church in our Meeting Room on Tuesday June 5, 2018. With our Seminarian Kevin Upham being Ordained a Priest now,it was time for the council to select a new Seminarian to help him in his education, in becoming a Priest. The subject was discussed by a number of council brothers including our Council Spiritual Advisor. After a lengthy discussion our Grand Knight asked if someone would make a motion and we then could vote on it. The motion came forth to support two Seminarians at $500.00 each for 2018/2019. The vote was unanimous. So come Fall we will start our Journey with two Seminarian Candidates. This is a first for our council, and our Spiritual Advisor was very pleased with the outcome. I quote Pope Benedict XVI. ” Vocations to the ministerial priesthood and to the consecrated life can only flourish in a Spiritual soil that is well cultivated.”

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