Sacramental Gifts

Sacramental Gifts


Council: 10019 - LEWISTON

Project Description:

Sacramental Gifts: Support families during the most important events in the life of the domestic church the sacraments: Sunday Mass and Daily Mass and funeral Masses.

At least 5 Knights in Holy Family Council Serve to “support and embrace our parish families at these essential moments of encounter with Christ. . . will always be present in a tangible and meaningful way”. Filling the following roles daily and Sunday Mass.
Eucharistic Extraordinary Minister, Sacristan, Adult Altar Server, Reader (Lecture). up to 2 hours (ahead of Mass, during, and after, as well as prep time for reading), Live stream technicians for Mass, Rosary, Mornging Prayer Liturgy of the Hours.

7 days x 5 x 52 weeks x 2 hours = ~1,820 hours

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