Safety Response Team and CRASE training
Safety Response Team and CRASE training
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
Resulting of many acts of violence in the country and around the world regarding church shootings, Council 10020 sponsored an initiavite for the parish where 20 Brother Knights participated in the C.R.A.S.E Training (Civilian Response to active shooter events.) The training was conducted by a parishioner who is on the local police force and does this for many groups in the area. As a result of this training, and discussions, a team of Brother Knights formed a safety response team not only to mitigate things like active shooter but also to audit and remedy environmental design and safety considerations like fire exits, securing unlocked doors, having a plan in the event of a situation. This will be an ongoing activity with a smaller team, roughly around 6 knights mitigating issues.
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