Seminarians – H.O.Bouchard Golf Tournament Fundraiser

Seminarians - H.O.Bouchard Golf Tournament Fundraiser


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Pine Cone Council 114, takes great PRIDE in this Annual Golf Tournament in Honor of Mr. Harold O. Bouchard and all his earthly Christian good works. Plans were made, hole sponsors were collected, signs were made, food was ordered and prepared by brother Knights, Mulligans were sold, putting contest, 50/50 raffle and the gun signal the start of the 18 hole golf contest.

The day was fantastic, all team participants had a great round of golf, making the selection of winners close and exciting. Awards were made for each of the games and monies won could be used to purchase merchandise from the Hermon Meadows golf store.

This event garnered $4.100.00, of which $3,500.00 was used for Seminarian Scholarships. Six in all: Six in the amount of $500.00 and a $500.00 check for Fr. Griesbach to aid in recruiting future Priest.

Fantastic day, event, program, supporting our Seminarians, Churches and our Priest.

Another Outstanding fundraiser in support of our Seminarians.

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