September Family of the Month

September Family of the Month


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

Family of the Month
Robert and Michele Guillemette are the proud parents of Joshua 22, Jacob 19, Thomas 18, and Theresa 13.

Robert is employed by SMRT/Portland as a Mechanical Designer. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is regularly active in our parish as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister and Hospitality Minister. He is extremely involved in Youth Ministry (HS) as well as Faith Formation. He has participated in Journey, Convention, March for Life in Washington, D.C., Matthew Meals and Live Way.

Michele has dedicated herself to “homeschooling” all four of her children, a very demanding task considering the four vastly different scholastic levels of their children. Michele has also served our parish as a Hospitality Minister, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Vacation Bible School, Matthew meals and the food closet. Michele also volunteers at the Parish Office.

Both Robert and Michele bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners every Sunday. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic the Guillemette Family visited The Lodges, bringing The Eucharist, praying the Rosary, sharing snacks and fellowship every Sunday.

Joshua, 22 is currently in his 4th year of study at Providence College and Lady of Providence Seminary. He too is a Knight of Columbus.
Jacob, 19 is employed with Rubb Builders and travels throughout the country for them. Jacob is a Knight of Columbus as well.
Thomas, 18 is in his senior year, homeschooled and attends the SRTC Automotive program at Sanford High School.
Theresa, 13 is in her 7th grade and participates in many parish activities.
All four of their children have served our parish as altar servers.
They have all been involved with the Youth Ministry and Faith Formation programs in many diverse ways from “The Live Way of The Cross”, participation in the food closet, Matthew Meal, and the March for Life in Washington, D.C..

The Knights of Columbus proudly present to you the Family of The Month for September, The Guillmette Family, A family united in living their Faith together. We are blessed to have them in our parish.

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