September Monthly Business Meeting.
September Monthly Business Meeting.
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Twenty members and visitors attended our September Business Meeting at Holy Martyr’s Church in our meeting room on Tuesday September 1, 2024. This month was once again a very busy meeting. This evening we had as a guest our District Deputy who shared news from the state and answered a number of questions. We also had as our guest our newest e-members, and a potential new e-member who was brought in by one of our council members. With any luck we will receive the funds check from our Tootsie Roll Drive, so it can be presented at our next months Business Meeting to the council chosen recipient. Coming up next is our annual Coats for kids Drive and toward the end of the month our Council sponsored “Novena for Life Rosary for the Un-born.” The Family and Knight of the month was also announced. With the loss of three of our senior officers just recently, due to them moving to other locations Council 15791 has a new leader who has stepped up and is doing a good job with the help of the council members and our District Deputy. Oh yes, we must not forget the help from our Lord our God.
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