Service Award Presentation To A Parting Council Brother. 15791

Service Award Presentation To A Parting Council Brother. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Myself and one of our council brothers participated in a Service Award Presentation at our Deputy Grand Knight’s home on Friday June 15,2018. At our last Business meeting it was decided on by the membership that we need to recognize a departing council brother who will be leaving us to move out of state with his family in a few days. With he and his wife moving items to their new home, and meetings with the Realtors etc, it was just impossible to present this award to him at a business meeting. So on Friday June 15, 2018 our Deputy Grand Knight was able to present the award to our departing council brother on behalf of Council 15791 of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist. Since joining our council some two years ago he has been a very active brother, and a very good role model for others to follow. He has been a member of the Knights of Columbus for 25 years. While with our council he served as our Council Advocate for one year and a Council Trustee for a little over a year. We will truly miss his friendship, and leadership as a council officer and fellow brother knight. As another door opens in his and his families life, we will keep them in our Prayers.

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