Shepherd’s Godparent Home – Gift
Shepherd's Godparent Home - Gift
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
4th Annual Bowl-A-Thon (Cancelled-Due to Covid-19) in support of Shepherd’s Godparent Pregnancy Center.
Due to Covid-19’s Pandemic continuing on a strong presence, it was decided to do a mailing to our Council’s Membership in lieu of the Traditional Bowl-A-Thon. The Letter stated:
On Friday, January 15, 2021, we lost a dear friend of the Knights of Columbus Family, Mrs. Don Factor, Dela. Doctor Donald Factor is a Past Faithful Navigator of Assembly 339. Dela was a life-long, staunch supporter of Pro-Life causes. As she was approaching her opportunity to move closer to God, she was still thinking of others when she requested that her obituary specify donations (in lieu of flowers) be made to the Knights of Columbus Pine Cone Council 114, Pro-Life Fund.
Each February, Pine Cone Council 114 hosts a Bowl-a-thon at the Family Fun Bowling Center to raise money for the Shepherd’s Godparent Home. This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Council wanted to continue the tradition of helping our friends at the Home, but felt it unwise to do so in a forum such as the Bowl-a-thon.
Instead of contributing to a Bowl-a-thon fundraiser, we asked membership to PLEASE consider making-a- donation in honor of Dela and in support of Pro-Life, we explained that all the money donated would be given to the Shepherd’s Godparent Home?
The Knights of Columbus, Pine Cone Council 114 Rocked it on this event, and provided meals, and emotional support to the Factor Family, as well as financial assistance to the Shepherd’s Godparent home. This massive effort providing much needed support of the Home, due to reduced funds being donated to the home from other agencies. These funds shall be used to help support the unborn, siblings and single women in crisis.
The Shepherd’s Godparent Home was Founded in 1992, the Shepherd’s Godparent Home is a crisis center located in a quiet residential neighborhood in Bangor, Maine. They opened to residents in 2003, and the facility houses young women in their teens to thirties who are pregnant and in crisis.
Nikki’s Hope is a transitional program for new mothers who have resided in the home. Participants have the opportunity to gain independence, develop parenting skills, and mature their faith while residing in the program’s apartment.
In all $10,000.00 was collected, which provided a check to be presented to the Shepherd’s Godparent Home in the Full Amount of $10,000.00.
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