Simple Meals following the Stations of the Cross During Lent. 15791

Simple Meals following the Stations of the Cross During Lent. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Once again this Lenten season our council members prepared and served a Simple Meal following the Friday Stations of the Cross at Holy Martyr’s and Saint Gregory’s. Dates were February 28, 2020 and March 6, 2020. It was very unfortunate that this years Simple Meal and Stations of the Cross was shorten to only two Fridays because of the Coronavirus. Our council members and the parishioners who helped with these meals hope that next year’s will be successful with no cancellations. All who did attend the Simple Meals were very pleased, and look forward to the Simple Meal program once again during 2021. Thanks to all for a job well done.

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