Soccer Challenge

Soccer Challenge


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

This was second year of Pine Cone Council running the Soccer Challenge. We decided to not run it separately or during the busy sport season and instead merge with our parish picnic.

We started in June by working with our parish office to get the posters approved and hung up at the six local churches. We also had posters at local businesses like Northern Light Health and All Saints Catholic School Facebook page.

On Saturday 7/27, Brother Knight Blake Langley mowed the lawn and got the two soccer goals ready. Athletic Director Dan Forbes lent us the soccer balls from the school and we used a special netting for scoring. Everything was coming together nicely and the weather was going to be outstanding.

On Sunday 7/28 by 10:30 the soccer challenge team had assembled. They set up two goals, with painted lines at the 10 yard, and 12 yard line. We also had a picnic table, umbrella, canopy and water. At 11am the kids started to arrive. We had kids in the 9, 11, 12, and 14 age group. We also had a great crowd of spectators and cheerleaders for our contestants. We had four champions that will go to district including Tripp Hines for age 9, Gabe Hikel for age 11, Patrick Marquis for age 12 and Angus Hines for age 14. Patrick Carey was runner up at age 11 and Floyd Hines running up for age 12.

The knights that volunteered included Brother Emmanueal Asare as Chair and Judge, Brother Jim Fazzino on Registration, Brother Rey Dubois and John Brooks as Scorers, Brothers Jeff Schalle, Gerry Ford, Joe Sardina, Sean Haggerty on Ball return.

The event finished up around noon and attached is a picture of the Knights, kids and some spectators.

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