Spaghetti Drive – Thru Supper-Coats for Kids

Spaghetti Drive - Thru Supper-Coats for Kids


Council: 10019 - LEWISTON

Project Description:

On September 19th, our council sponsored a spaghetti & meatball drive-thru supper, in spite of the Covid-19 protocols that were necessary for the project. The funds to be used to purchase warm winter coats for local under privileged kids. This well advertised project drew people from all over the community to help out. The seven council volunteers worked as a well oiled machine to serve one hundred eighty servings to the drive-thru patrons. Although we were scheduled to be open for three hours, to our surprise the spaghetti was sold out in one and half hours. With all expenses covered we had a net profit of over $2300. This is one of the best fund raising efforts that we have had in several years.
The council will be donating one hundred fifteen new coats some of which were donated by grateful parishioners. Also, three ladies volunteered their time and expertise to knit hats and mittens, to be added with the coats. The council will donate a portion of the coats to local schools both in Lewiston and Auburn. The Dominican Sisters at their Sabattus, Loaves and Fishes organization, will be assigned to locate deserving recipients. One of their representatives agreed to locate families in need and will contact them to schedule time and date of pick-up. November 9th, was set for coat distribution. Praise be to God for this giving community.

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