Spaghetti Fund Raiser
Spaghetti Fund Raiser
Council: 2638 - MADAWASKA
Project Description:
This project goes hand in hand with the previous bean project for the St. Thomas Aquinas church steps renovations. Tickets were printed and handed out to various Knights they took as much as they wanted to sell some sold 1 to a variation of 50. In all 500+ were sold great job Brother Knights. On the 23rd Brother Knights gathered in the wee hours of the morning to begin the task at hand, by 3 in the afternoon we were ready to start serving the individuals.
We had one of our Brother Knights directing the individuals coming into the takeout line or eat in line. We had Knights cleaning off the tables and wiping down for next round all was great success raising a bit over $5000.00 along with a lot of donations. Thanks To All
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